
Friday, May 3, 2013

Martha Washington's Letter: December, 3 1776

Below, is a photograph of the original letter.

a letter from martha washington to george


December 3, 1776

To my George

The most unfavorable of events came to pass this week.
While I was placing a log in the fire, I absentmindedly
grabbed the cutting board and threw it on the coals.
It was as if it had been a sinner cast into inferno.
Gone, gone! All lost and burnt back to the original elements.
I was distraught with sorrow at this awful turn of
events and for the better part of the evening hours
was inconsolable. I passed into a black case of the vapors.
Even now as I write, I am distressed, weighted
with thoughts of these hardships I suffer with you gone.
Oh George, do return soon from your peregrinations and
bring hope back to your utterly and abysmally wretched,
Martha Washington


It is suspected that Martha Washington was the conductor of one of the
underground railroad trains. With the aid of the Vanderbilts, she had
laid the track from Washington D.C. to Atlanta and regularly took on
passengers running away from slavery. Martha rarely slept as she worked
tirelessly to flee the slaves, because her live-in psychic painted grave pictures
of a future war between the "blue" and the "grey" in which millions of
Americans would die and all because of the unsettled issue of slavery.
This letter was written in a cypher, of which only George Washington knew.
Although we figured it out by rolling dice, eating the leaves of the bjornica plant,
and waiting on crystal visions. After applying the cypher, the letter reads:

Are you Washington your Presidentures?

For more on Washington, I recommend Washington: a Life by Ron Chernow!

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