
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Gorilla arm successfully attached to human child.

This monday in New York City the arm of a gorilla was successfully

transplanted to a seven year old child who lost her own arm in a
shark attack earlier this summer. Post-surgery, the child reports an
unprecedented increase of strength and an unfortunate decrease of
fine motor skill ability. The little girl had been a dancer but says she
is looking into new sports like boxing and shot put.
the arm of a gorilla with an open palm

The donating Gorilla, Jib-jo, had been battling cancer for two years and,
in his last words, communicated his desire through sign language,
“give arm to mans. Arms of gorilla, arms of mans”. Jib-jo published
heavily throughout the last decade while holding a tenured position at
NYU where he lectured on social theory and human psychology.
Dr. Edward Rutheledge, who worked closely with Jib-jo at Columbia
in the early 90’s said, “his approach was a simultaneous
disorientation and reorientation of the field. His was truly a fresh
perspective on the mind of man, and frankly i’m not sure that
there is currently anyone of his caliber to pick up where he left off.

Immediately After Jib-Jo’s last breath, a hack saw was brought out,
his arm put on ice, and rushed to New York’s Children Hospital
where chief experimental surgeon Dr. Moses Yizkor presided over the
surgery and afterwards thoughtfully questioned what he had done,
“perhaps now man vill evolve into monkeys?”

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